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Benefits of Benchmarking with Go

Good teams were doing their stops in around 4 seconds — but they could do better. Mercedes dropped that to 3.4s in 2011, McLaren took it on to 2.32s in 2012,...

Setting Up a Traffic Light IoT Device in Arduino / NodeMCU

After being able to dynamically change the states by command, we also want to manage things remotely! In this post, we will learn how to convert our device into...

Controlling A Traffic Light Using Arduino Serial

How do we dynamically control Arduino outside the code? By giving it the ability to communicate! In this post, we will explore how we can control a traffic light...

Using Golang Reflect to Sum Any Variable Type

I needed a function to dynamically sum things in Golang, but couldn't find any implementations. Let's create one ourselves!

Controlling Servos Using Raspberry Pi & Python

Servos have been around for a long time and used in various applications, ranging from toys to robotics. Do you know how does a servo work? Let's learn how...

Using 7 Segment Display on Arduino

Do you want to know how seven segment displays work? Let's try controlling one using an Arduino! In this project, I will provide an introduction to how we can...

Classes in Arduino: Creating a Traffic Light

Let's learn how to build classes in Arduino by getting down and dirty in a simple project. In this tutorial, I'll be explaining how to create a Traffic Light...

Knight’s Tour using Genetic Algorithm

Have you ever wondered how many variations can a knight move around the chess board? Me too! Here I try implementing a genetic algorithm to find the answer.

Programming 101: Mastering Any Language

If you are trying to get into programming but confused on what you need to learn first, read this! We will be discussing algorithms.